6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6, NLT

Michelle Graber
Creative and curious, her eclectic wit carries through each aspect of her ministry.
Michelle Graber's educational background includes fields of marketing, leadership, and engineering, but her faves are music and writing. Her vocabulary is almost as impressive as her love for gluten free Oreos--1 row at a time!
Working toward her Ph. D. in Composition & Applied Linguistics, Michelle aspires to continue her career publishing prose, poetry, and research while she teaches English at a two-year college. Michelle has two children, Jakob and Maggie, and she’s in the market for a new puppy to cuddle with when she’s typing away in her easy chair!
Michelle is a fantastic baker, a phenomenal writer and speaker, an amazing friend, and a woman nearing the half-century mark who loves Jesus! Michelle is excited to continue building the women’s ministry through Unfinished Women and at her church (Harvest Community Church of the Nazarene) in South Dakota (and beyond) where she and Julie speak to women to inspire women to move past their imperfections with God’s help!
Julie Gross
Inspiring others through her teaching, storytelling, kindheartedness, and general good nature.
Born and raised in Gillette, Wyoming, Julie grew up in a Christian home. Julie received a scholarship to the University of Sioux Falls where she finished her Bachelor's in Sociology and English and met her husband, Geoff. Julie finished her Master's in English at the University of South Dakota, where she also gained her first two years of teaching experience as a teaching assistant.
Since then, she has been teaching in various public-school contexts as well as in women’s ministry through Harvest Community Church of the Nazarene. Raising praise through music and fellowship with others, Julie's smile reflects her love for Jesus. Julie and her husband, Geoff, have two sons in college: Jamison and Garrison. Currently, Julie and Geoff live in Mitchell, South Dakota. Julie teaches English at Mitchell Technical College.