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Our Journey
7“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)
The Bible talks about listening for God’s still small voice (1 Kings 19:12 ), whispering His message through the wind. Sometimes God's messages are subtle. Sometimes God talks to us through others. Sometimes God responds to another's ask by answering through our actions. Whatever avenue God takes to talk to us, He is hard to ignore. When our minister’s daughter announced the men’s brunch followed by “I wish someone would start a women’s brunch,” God heard the ask and answered . . . through us, Michelle & Julie!
When we responded to the call, women answered and doors opened. Women’s brunches began in 2021. Our group started small but nearly tripled within 6 months! Women who related to our stories expressed the desire to fellowship with other women of faith, and our ministry continues to thrive. Our ministry has grown into other speaking engagements, and now, we are planning a book containing stories of fellowship and messages shared at brunches! Like us, our book is still a work in progress (#notfinishedyet!), but we found fellowship by sharing our own imperfections and heard testimonies from other women and continue this work started in us.
We are rooted in our faith. Our faith is in God. We have chosen to plant our roots in the Harvest Community Church of the Nazarene in Mitchell, South Dakota. We continue to support and be supported by the mission, vision, values, and purpose of our church community. Likewise, we encourage all who are forming new relationships with God, renewing broken bonds with God, or seeking a deeper relationship with God to get involved in a community of Bible-based Christian believers.
We believe in the servant-leadership ministry model. Our mission is to serve women seeking a relationship with Jesus, fellowship with other women of faith, or women who just need Jesus in their lives and like a good story--erm...hopefully you like our stories...
Some women may be wavering in faith.
Some women need to testify about their struggles
Some women seek prayer.
Some women may need to feel appreciated.
Some women love Jesus and want to be around other women who love Jesus.
Some women are ready to serve others through mentoring and fellowship.
Jesus loves us! . . . but we're not perfect, either. By sharing stories of our imperfections with humility and humor, we hope other women will see just how we overcome our own imperfection to serve God through our ministry. (We're still works-in-progress, but we're pretty good.) We want women to see how God sees them: wonderfully made! We seek fellowship with other women who need to hear how God loves us, forgives us, and helps us with our imperfections. Featuring personal testimonies, we grapple with our own imperfections while putting God at the center of our lives.
Wherever you are in your faith walk, know that God's work in and through you is not finished yet. Jesus loves you, and we do too! You are appreciated. You are beautiful. You are wonderfully made. You are loved.
We hope you will share your comments, testimonies, and prayer requests with us by sending us a message.
Michelle & Julie