Event Preview...

Did you miss the latest fellowship event? Check out our fun time! Join us at the Harvest Community Church Women's Fellowship Brunch! Okay, we may have a flair for the dramatic, but we'll be "intentional" about faith, fellowship, and fun!
Want to get our dates on your planner? Use the calendar below to schedule an event or go to our Facebook page (@womennotyetfinished or Harvest Community Church of the Nazarene) to indicate you will be attending one of the brunch events. We look forward to fellowship with you!
Women's Fellowship Brunch
October 12th, 2024, 10 AM, Fellowship Hall
1017 W. Norway Ave.,
Mitchell, SD 57301
Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice!
Our fall event has become one of our two most popular events! Join us for our soup and sandwich brunch. We will be sharing pumpkin, spice, and everything nice crafts & recipes, along with a devotion praising God for a bountiful harvest! Join us for food, fun, fellowship, and faith!

Women's Fellowship: Ladies' Night!
December 13th, 2024, 6 PM Fellowship Hall
1017 W. Norway Ave.,
Mitchell, SD 57301
Old Fashioned Christmas
Merry Christmas! Join us for hot cider (maybe some wassail, too) and bring a dish to pass. We will be sharing memories of Christmas traditions with an old-fashioned Christmas! Bring your stories, recipes, and memories. We will also be making old fashioned hymnal ornaments. Join us for food, fun, fellowship, faith, and a craft!

Women's Fellowship: Ladies' Night!
January 31st, 2025, 6 PM, Fellowship Hall
1017 W. Norway Ave.,
Mitchell, SD 57301
Share the Love
God gave us the ultimate gift when Jesus died on the cross and washed away sin. Now, we want to serve others in the name of Jesus. Join us for the Share the Love event! Bring a dish to pass and a donation for our charity this season. Of course, we will also be doing a fun craft takeaway!

Women's Fellowship Brunch
April 12th, 2025, 10 AM, Fellowship Hall
1017 W. Norway Ave.,
Mitchell, SD 57301
Spring Tea: A Day At the Spa
Christ has risen! Spring, too is a time for rebirth and renewal. Join us for brunch, fellowship, and a spa day! That's right - we want to pamper you! This event will feature guest speakers, special music, a takeaway, and a little pampering. Tickets will be $15. Stay tuned for purchasing information. Join us!

Past Events
2023-2024 Events
April 13, 2024 Spring Tea: "Hat Parade"
February 9, 2024 Share the Love!
December 8, 2023 Deck the Halls with Nativities!
October 14, 2023 Harvesting Faith Soup & Sandwich Fellowship Brunch
August 12, 2023 Coffee in the Park
2022-2023 Events
April 22, 2023 Spring Tea: "Fill My Cup"
March 9, 2023 Ladies Night Out! March Madness
February 11, 2023 Share the Love Event
January 14, 2023 What's your intention?
November 12, 2022 Give Thanks
October 10, 2022 "DIY" Women's Soup & Sandwich Fellowship Brunch
2021-2022 Flagship Year Events
April 9, 2022 Spring Tea & Fashion Show
March 11, 2022 Ladies Night Out! Painting Event
February 12, 2022 Share the Love Event
January 8, 2022 The Year is Paved with Good Intentions
November 13, 2021 Grateful Hearts
October 9, 2021 1st Women's Fellowship Brunch
April 13, 2024 Spring Tea: "Hat Parade"
Christ has risen! Spring, too is a time for rebirth and renewal. Join us for brunch, fellowship, and a hat parade! We hope to see hats from many eras, sizes, shapes, and colors. Then, we plan to do a little hat parade fashion show for anyone who wants to show and tell about the history of their hat. Join us!
February 9, 2024 Share the Love!
God gave us the ultimate gift when Jesus died on the cross and washed away sin. Now, we want to serve others in the name of Jesus. Join us for the Share the Love event! Bring a dish to pass and a donation for our charity this season. Of course, we will also be doing a fun craft takeaway!
December 8, 2023 Deck the Halls with Nativities!
Merry Christmas! Join us for hot cider (maybe some wassail, too) and bring a dish to pass. We will be decorating with nativities, holding an ugly sweater contest, and making Christmas ornaments. Join us for food, fun, fellowship, faith, and a craft!
October 14, 2023 Harvesting Faith
Our fall event has become one of our two most popular events! Join us for our breakfast, soup, and sandwich brunch. We will be sharing about producing a good harvest--especially when cultivating relationships with Jesus! Join us for food, fun, fellowship, and faith!
August 12, 2023 Coffee in the Park
Join us for coffee in the park! This informal event will kick off our 2023-2024 season of women's fellowship events! End of summer is a busy time for moms getting ready for school, fairs, family reunions, and other summer fun. Bring your female friends & family! We will take a little time to relax and chat over coffee in the park (and donuts)!
April 22, 2023 Spring Tea Women's Brunch
Featuring an object lesson about "Filling My Cup" with healthy intentions, multiple generations of women took part in a delicious brunch and craft project: tea cup succulents! Check out our Resources page for the object lesson and our Works page for videos sharing this and other works we have done.
March 9, 2023 Ladies Night Out: March Madness
Tired of the winter weather? Women of all ages escaped the solitude and joined us for a craft: Gnome body wants to stay home when there is food and fellowship in the house of God!
February 11, 2023 Share the Love!
What's more fun than frosting and eating your own heart-shaped sugar cookie? Sharing them! Our annual share the love event also includes a donation. This year, Unfinished Women attendees raised over $300 for In a Village--a local support organization for expectant and current moms.
January 14, 2023 What's your intention?
Ditch the resolution! Make changes in your life intentional--especially pursuing a relationship with God.
December 9, 2022 Ladies Night Out: Around the World
While the weather outside was frightful, the company was delightful! We shared Christmas traditions and competed for the ugliest sweater!
November 12, 2022 Give Thanks
With a grateful heart, our give thanks event hosted a number of women for brunch.
October 10, 2022 DIY Projects
Are you a do-it-yourselfer? Folding a fitted sheet brings some serious challenges! Having God bring us through in times of need is definitely better than going-it-alone! Still, we learned to tie ribbons and some other cool stuff!
Want to learn more about Unfinished Women? Do you feel the need for fellowship? Would you like to share your stories of faith with us? Feel free to get in touch, and we will get back to you soon!