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Writer's pictureJulie Gross

A Summer of Gratitude - I’m grateful for Jamison

This journey through “A Summer of Gratitude” has been awesome so far, and it’s been emotional, too! Writing about my husband, my mom and dad, my sister and brother, and my first-born son has been fun, as I’ve been replaying memories in my mind, and I’ve been laughing and crying as I’ve been typing away! I’m not usually a really emotional person, but this has been good to “feel all of the feels.” 

This blog post is dedicated to my second-born son, Jamison. He will be 24 years old this year, and on July 30, he will be on a cruise ship that is docked in Iceland. Jamison is a singer on the ship, and he is using his college major, as he graduated with degrees in music and Spanish. He’s pretty proud of the fact that he’s actually using his college major! He loves what he’s doing as he is using his musical abilities to entertain others, he is seeing the world, and he’s getting paid to do it! He is very blessed, as am I as his mom!

Jamison has always been “busy.” He was a kid who couldn’t or wouldn’t sit still–he went 100 miles an hour all day long until he was sleeping, and even then, he would sometimes sleepwalk and talk! I remember once I gave him a box of Band-Aids to open up and put on himself while he was sitting in his highchair, just to keep him busy for a half-hour, so I could talk to my mom on the phone! He was also the child who seemed to find trouble to get into; I remember reading The Strong-Willed Child by James Dobson because there were days that he wore me out!

Now all that being said, Jamison was a challenge at times, but he was also an incredible blessing! God again knew what He was doing when He blessed me with being Jamison’s mom, just like He knew what He was doing when He made me Garrison’s mom. Jamison has always challenged me to see things in a different way, which started from the time he could talk and ask questions. He would ask about 10,000 questions every day: where did you buy that, why did you buy that, how much did it cost, can I have some, why is it that color, what are you going to do with it, etc., etc. He wanted to know all of the answers! He also loved to make art from the time he was tiny, and he was always very musical, which continues today! When this blog post publishes, Geoff and I will also be in Iceland where Jamison will be. Geoff and I will get to go on a cruise where Jamison is performing, and I am so excited! I would love to buy a t-shirt with Jamison’s face on it, and wear it to all of his shows, but he would be horrified, so I won’t. I love seeing him doing what he loves, and I’m incredibly proud of him! Thank you, Lord, for giving me the gift of being Jamison’s mom!

The following verses blend giving thanks and making music, and they make me think of Jamison: “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Taken from Ephesians 5:19 and 20.

Here are a few pictures I want to share with you:

This is one of my favorite pictures of Jamison and me at a Twins baseball game!

Here we are in a recent photo where I’m struggling to make a heart, and Jamison is making fun of me.

This is Jamison in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe. 

I can’t wait to see where God takes you from here, Jamison! Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with Jamison!

Thanks for reading, friends.



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