Well, I missed doing my blog post last week, so here I am this week. I am just going to say I need some grace. My pastor talked about grace this week, and I am asking for grace. Maybe that should have been my word for the year?
Anyway, I’ve been on the struggle bus for a couple of weeks, and I’m going to be honest; I know I’ve pulled away from God in that time as well. Not on purpose, really. I have some extra work at work right now (work at work makes sense, right?), and it’s eating up my time, so my priorities have shifted a bit, and it’s affected my life all the way around and my new year’s goals.
As for my goals, January was great! I was really working towards the goals I set for the new year. I was prioritizing my Bible reading every day, I was consistent with prayer, I was exercising every night, and I was tracking what I ate—I was even getting enough sleep! However, in February, pretty much all of those things have gone downhill.
Has that happened to you before? Something gets in the way, or a challenge interrupts your plans, and your goals get pushed to the back burner. I think the statistics about those who give up their new year’s goals before February are startling.
Well, I don’t want to give up on my goals. So, for this last week of February and going into March, I need to put God first. I do believe if I put Him first, I can get back to doing the other things as well.
Focusing on all of the things on my plate and the hurts I’ve felt and the stressors building under the surface really doesn’t do any good—it just causes me to worry and obsess. I just need to give it all to God. Now, those are easy words to say, but it’s a bit more difficult to live that out. So, that’s my focus and my number one priority! Here’s the verse I plan to cling to as I try to get my goals back on track: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 The verse says, “all these things.” That’s a beautiful promise–I just have to put God and his kingdom first!
Well, here we go! I’m not giving up. I’m going to wake up tomorrow and try again! Thank you, Lord, for always being there for me! Each day is a new day to try again.
Thanks for reading, friends!