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Writer's pictureMichelle Graber

Share the Love: Taking Inventory

In the new year, many stores have finished taking year-end inventory and have begun restocking their shelves with the next new thing. However, as I turn the corner into the new year, 2025, I find myself taking a different sort of inventory: a count of my blessings.

Let me be a little vulnerable...some startling events took place where I work before I left for winter break. I felt anxious, uncertain, and unsettled. I left an unknown situations and came back to work in an unknown situation. So, I had to really take stock of my blessings:

  1. First, I have an amazing support system at work. If you haven't read about Julie and me, take a moment to visit our biographies. We work together, and we enjoined in this ministry together because we have the same value systems in terms of education, work, family, and friendships. Additionally, Julie and I are friends with another colleague who is a Christian. We support each other through prayer, too.

  2. Second, I have amazing and supportive friends. I'd call them all out here, but it would take a few lines. How wonderful! I've enjoyed many seasons of friendships throughout the years, and I continue to be grateful for the friends in my life.

  3. Third, I am grateful for my family. I was able to spend time with both of my parents, who are in their 80s, for Christmas. It is a tender time, since they are approaching an age where each day of life is a little more precarious than the day before. I am tremendously grateful for their longevity. I also got to see both of my adult children during break and enjoyed hearing about their adulthoods.

  4. Finally, I am grateful for my church family. Jesus first. My friends, my family, and my church family are incremental in supporting my faith walk. Meeting my church family every Sunday is like coming home. The greeting when I come in the doors is always, "Welcome home!"

As I start the new year, putting Jesus first is my priority. Finding ways to get more rooted in God's word and consider ways to become stronger in my faith, to share the love of Jesus, and to serve are my intentions this year.

Julie and I are getting ready to "Share the Love" with our "Share the Love" event on January 31st. I hope you will join us and consider participating in our mission project for this year. We are collecting donations and gifts for the Safe Place in Mitchell. To donate, please

  1. Go to

  2. Click "Select Fund"

  3. Select "Unfinished Women - Mission Project".

Thank you for being a generous giver and blessing others through your generosity!

May the new year also bless you greatly!


Last year about this time...

2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

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